National Hack The Government Glasgow inbound!

By Iain Collins, NHTG Glasgow Center Lead

The 6th annual National Hack The Government weekend is back and coming to Glasgow – it’s now only 2 weeks away!

Glasgow joins Leeds, Exeter, Bournemouth and London in bringing together hackers, designers user interface designers, data experts and others to create insightful, useful, and often amusing hacks using open data.

It’s an exciting time for civic hacking in Glasgow, with the City Council’s Future City initiative hosting a number of events over the next few months – with Public Safety last weekend and hackathons focusing on Energy, Health and Transport over the next few months.

There are now thousands of national datasets on and Future Cities Open Glasgow adds over 160 city specific datasets (and counting!) on a huge range of topics from Travel, Tourism, Transport, the Environment, Health, Education, the Economy and more. We’re looking forward to having access to Open Glasgow API’s over the weekend too!

If you’ve never been to a hackday before then RewireState’s National Hack The Government weekend is the perfect jumping in point – whether you want to come with friends or team up with people when you get there. We promise to take good care of you, and provide you with help and support (and food!) over the weekend.

National Hack The Government is an open ended event, welcoming all sorts of hacks on both local and national data (or both!). If you’re looking for inspiration or to get a flavour of what some people come up with you might want to check out some of the hacks from last year.

Signup is still open, if you like to come along register here!

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